Monday, August 31, 2015

Gadgets & Widgets

Today we are going to explore Gadgets and Widgets.

I would like for you to add a calendar and clock to your page.

Then I would like for you to explore the Internet for places that provide Gadgets and  Widgets.

*WARNING* some widgets and gadgets contain virus's. If you notice weird things happening to or on your page as a result of adding the new gadget, remove the gadget.

Place to get Gadgets:

Calendar:  calendar
Clock:  clock
other sites: 

Example of some of the widgets we worked with today:

A Calendar:

A Clock:

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Followers

The lesson today has two parts.

First I would like you to become a follower of the HHS 2016 page. To do this click on the "Join this Site" icon under the heading of Followers to the right.

Second, I would like each student to create a post and import their selfie on to the post.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


The 2015-2016 School year has begun! Warm temperatures have made the first week of school a bit uncomfortable especially with a few of the air conditioners not working on campus. Mine being one.